Ted turned two at the end of last year, so this is his third brutal (slightly over dramatic) British winter.
He’s had a puddle suit, an array of cosy baby all in ones and of course a selection of coats. This year I decided to invest the dolla in a proper padded snowsuit that would keep him warm but still have him able to run around at top speed all through the cold months.
I’ve only seen Ted cold twice (he’s a hot bodied little fellow). Once when we went swimming in a not very warm pool and all he had was a little pair of Boden swim shorts to keep him warm. The other was when we visited a pumpkin patch for his birthday. Even though he was decked out in all the layers (including a long sleeve tee, jumper, coat AND a hat) I could tell by his bright red cheeks, cold tiny hands and little wavy voice that this kid was freezing.
Cue me searching the internet in the car on the way home to find the perfect snowsuit for the little lad.
If you follow me on Instagram and watch my stories you’ll know that this bad boy is the snowsuit of choice that I decided to buy for Ted. We can all plainly see how amazing the aesthetics of this snowsuit are. I tried it on Ted and only one word sums up how it looked. Adorable. It’s like a puffy fighter pilot teddy bear vibe, and I really like it.
There’s also a jacket version of this style (with a slight colour variation) which also looks amazing, if you don’t want to commit to the whole body type thing.
After using it a couple of times, the only downside is that it’s quite tricky to put on as it is SO puffy. You also have to take shoes off before putting it on/taking it off as the cuffs are pretty fitted. A small price to pay for it looking so awesome, but I’d say if you were using it one a daily basis I’d be prepared to get a bit pissed off with it.
Shop Next snowsuits here.
Always a fan favourite, Boden always come up trumps in terms of pattern and these two do not disappoint. I’m absolutely in love with this space print and the liberty style one isn’t too shabby either. A mega plus point of the Boden snowsuit is that there are integral mittens (there words not mine), which I’m pretty sure means there are mittens attached and can be zippered on and off. The sad news is that they only goes up to age 2, which is pretty rubbish if you have a tall two year old. I don’t think Ted would appreciate the front wedgie tbh.
Shop Boden snowsuits here.
Kuling (available at Alex and Alexa)
When searching for kids snowsuits you come across a lot of navy, black and red. Which is fine, but sometimes you just want that pop of colour and it’s also a major benefit in my eyes to dress your kid the brightest thing possible so you can always keep a loving eye on them while you drink your coffee in the playground. These two from Kuling do not disappoint on the colour front – a bright and bold turquoise and of course the seasons fav colour of yellow. You can choose either a single or double zip and they’ve also got a detachable faux fur hood. An added bonus to these is the elasticated foot strap, which means no more cold ankles or that kinda awkward jeans/snowsuit/sock layer ruched up the leg thing that happens to kids.
Shop Kuling snowsuits at Alex and Alexa.
Hatley (also at Alex and Alexa)
The cutest trio (of snowsuits) I ever did see.
Hatley’s definitely knocking it out of the park when it comes to bright and beautiful statement snowsuits. These guys are also machine washable and come with mittens and booties (perfect if you’re little one isn’t walking yet).
Shop Hatley snowsuits at Alex and Alexa.
Dare 2be
I’ve haven’t come across Dare 2b as a brand before, but their name made me think of a late 90’s/early 00’s girl band, so naturally I went with it. They’re stocked at pretty much all the big department stores (think John Lewis, HoF etc) and do some pretty sweet gender neutral snow suits that go up to age 4. All these snow suits are designed with a diagonal zip which means quicker and easier getting your tantruming toddler in and out. They also have poppers on the inside leg which is just genius really, as I most definitely haven’t considered the many, many issues in changing a nappy while in a snow suit.
Dare 2b snowsuits can be found here and are also stocked at John Lewis, HoF and Debenhams.
Little Bird By Jools Oliver
So this one isn’t ‘technically’ a snow suit, more a puddlesuit (a snow suit is super padded and cosy, while a puddle suit is thinner and usually just waterproof). And yes, those two are jackets…But they’re just too beaut not to include.
I mean, just look at them
I’ve got my eye on the green jacket for Ted when pay day (eventually) comes around.
Puddlesuits are great to keep under the buggy and to whip out for those impromptue park visits or when your little one spots a massive muddy puddle at 10 o clock.
The puddlesuit goes up to a size 3-4 years, and the jacket up to 9-10 years.
I have a feeling that they’ll sell out pretty quick, so go grab one if you want it. Not everyone though, save one for me please!
Shop Little Bird by Jools Oliver here.
So, what ya thinking about snowsuits?
We’re pretty much a city living fam, but a snow suit sure does come in handy for those occasional walks in the countryside, when you’re staying out a lil bit later in the evening or IF it happens to snow (it is nice to be prepared).
And, not gone lie, there is something insanely cute seeing a toddler run wild incased in all the puffer. Knowing that they’re super snug and waterproof is a massive bonus too.
Lucy x
P.S Let me know what you think in the comments section, have I missed any good ones?